Based on this phenomenon, the paper proposes some suggestions and countermeasures on how to increase the operation rate of libraries in high vocational colleges. 文章针对这一现状进行思考分析,提出了如何有效促进学生阅读,提高高职院校图书馆藏书利用率的对策与建议。
Raise the equipments operation rate, Shorten to produce the period, The control has the spare parts stock engross, lower the cost. 提高生产设备运转率,缩短生产周期,控制备品备件库存资金占用,降低成本。
The normal operation rate of an automatic hydrological forecast system is a combination of BLER of transmission channels and system reliability. 水情自动测报系统的畅通率是遥测通信网误码率和系统可靠性指标的混合体。
Meanwhile, they sive satisfaction to needs of production and operation rate is raised. 满足了生产需求并提高了作业率。
Systemic chemotherapy including new drugs such as CPT-11 and oxaliplatin has shown improved operation rate and survival rate. 以奥沙利铂、依立替康为基础联合化疗,在提高转移性结直肠癌患者手术率与生存率疗效已较为肯定。
After the technological transformation, the ore processing flowsheet and equipment was improved, and the equipment operation rate and ore dressing recovery rate was enhanced. 通过技术改造使选矿工艺流程及设备日趋完善,提高了设备运转率和选矿回收率。
Research on dynamic optimized system of increasing constantly the TBM boring operation rate TBM掘进工时利用率动态优化系统研究
Implementing the state monitoring to propeller shaft system, we can raise the dependability of the stem and axle system, and also raise the operation rate of boat; 对螺旋桨轴系统实施状态监测,可提高尾轴系统的可靠性、提高船舶的营运率;
The Analysis of Affecting Electric Field's Operation Rate In Electrostatic Precipitator 影响电除尘器电场投入率的原因分析
DSP has replaced the single chip micyoco system becoming the hotspot technology because of its high operation rate and precision. DSP系统由于运算速度快、精度高等特点,正逐渐取代单片机系统,成为一大技术热点。
The modified electronic switchgears were capable of consistent operation, which enhanced operation rate of the equipment. 改进后的电子开关柜运行可靠,提高了设备运转率。
This kind of mill has high production, low power consumption and high operation rate compared with closed circuit mill of the same diameter. 该磨与同直径的闭路磨相比,产量高、电耗低、运转率高。
Its managerial degree directly influences operation rate and efficiency of whole quay. 它管理程度的好坏将直接影响整个码头的作业速度和效率。
Effects of effective operation rate, actual hourly output and yield on energy consumption in steel rolling 轧钢有效作业率、实际小时产量、成材率对能耗的影响
Practice proven that the study get obvious result since our plant start the study grog kiln system in 1999. Operation cycle, operation rate and productivity increase greatly. 实践证明,自1999年我公司针对如何提高回转窑长周期运转进行研究以来,取得了明显效果。
The manufacture precision of super exactitude NC lathe depends on not only the operation rate of NC deviceand joined precision, but also the error of track and point location about servo system. 超精密数控车床加工精度的提高不仅依赖于数控装置的运算速度和曲线的拟合精度,同时还依赖于伺服系统的跟踪精度和点位控制精度。
Based upon research and measuring on site of a mechanized coal face in Guizhou, the ways and methods of increasing the shearer's operation rate for a mechanized coal face are analysed and discussed in this paper. 在对贵州省高档机采面进行了调查研究和现场实测的基础上,分析和探索了提高机采面采煤机开机率的途径和方法。
Results The encouraging group has natural childbirth rate of 80.0% and childbirth operation rate of 20.0%; 结果:激励组自然分娩率为80.0%,剖宫产率为20.0%;
Status Analyses of the Operation Rate for the Rolling Mill of Middle Plate Plant at Jigang 济钢中板厂轧机作业率状况分析
This method can saves memory rooms, improves efficiency and operation rate. 该方法具有节省存贮空间、提高效率和运算速度的特点。
Conclusion It is possible to enhance the successful operation rate if you handle the glaucoma operation in detail with care. 结论只要注意青光眼手术中的每个细节,是可以提高其手术成功率的。
Automatic supervisory offers guarantee in increasing the product quantity, equipments operation rate and labor productivity, lowering the consumption of energy and labor intensity, and realizing scientific management etc., and that make the synthetic economic index of the business in technique attain best. 自动化监视为提高产品质量、设备运转率和劳动生产率,降低能耗,劳动强度,实现科学管理等提供保障,使企业综合技术经济指标达到最佳。
So the postterm pregnancy is an important factor causing high vagina operation rate and low Apgar scores, and it is necessary to control the gestational age within 42 weeks. 表明过期妊娠是致导高阴道手术产率和低阿氏评分的一个重要因素。主张胎龄控制在42孕周内为宜。